SM Derma Fusion®
Targeted Skin Nutrition


With today’s harsh environment and daily stresses, it is easy to develop a hidden nutrient deficiency in the peripheral areas of the body, and this deficiency will show on the skin.

The following three individuals had a cosmetic deficiency of one or more essential nutrient molecules in the skin:

We corrected this deficiency with SM Derma Fusion® technology and the results were stunning! 

Properties in SM Derma Fusion® support the basement membrane of the skin and the basal cell layer that is anchored on the basement membrane, allowing your skin to thrive!

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While there are many cosmetic or medical reasons why someone may develop hidden nutrient deficiencies in the peripheral area of the body, there is now an effective solution to this universal problem: SM Derma Fusion®!

SM Derma Fusion® has been evaluated in South Africa by medical and skin professionals over a 36-month period, achieving consistent results, associated with effective nutrient supplementation.

Effective nutritional support can especially be helpful during the healing process after skin trauma, whether this trauma was clinically induced (aesthetic treatments) or accidents (burns and injury).

Enjoy 300% less social downtime after semi-invasive or invasive aesthetic treatments with a better outcome!

A nutrient deficiency can be the root problem for many symptoms typically associated with a medical condition.

SM Derma Fusion® supports the skin, glands, and nerves with additional nutritional biomolecules. 

In South Africa, SM Derma Fusion® technology was tested and evaluated over five years: 6-month paediatric evaluation; 4-year in-medical practice evaluation (GP); 4-year pharmacy (Safety) evaluation and distribution (not a single negative report received); 36-month medical and professional aesthetic evaluation (inflammation regulation and wound healing); long-term (3 to 5 year) proof of concept cosmetic anti-aging evaluation; 36-month in-practice evaluation by eye professionals (dry-eyes and cosmetic); and 6-month HIV wound healing and cosmetic study..

These pictures clearly indicate that the properties in SM Derma Fusion® support and help regulate the health and functions of the basement membrane and the basal cell layer that is anchored to the basement membrane.
A well-supported basement membrane is essential to regulating both pigmentation and the proper formation of the epithelial water barrier of the skin. 

You definitely want a healthy and well supported basement membrane (lamina) and basal cell layer that is anchored to the basement membrane of your skin.

SM Derma Fusion® provides this daily support!

Interesting Skin Care Facts

The basal cell layer contains cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes produce the skin coloring or pigment known as melanin, which gives skin its tan or brown color and helps protect the deeper layers of the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Layers of the Skin – SEER Training, National Cancer Institute (.gov)

Keratinocytes are the predominant cell type of epidermis and originate in the basal layer, produce keratin, and are responsible for the formation of the epidermal water barrier by making and secreting lipids.

Anatomy, Skin (Integument), Epidermis – StatPearls – NCBI, National Institutes of Health (.gov)

These pictures (above and below) demonstrate the natural ability of the skin to repair and rejuvenate after premature photo-damage, given the proper nutritional support.

Pictures provided by Danette’s Aesthetic and Laser Clinic; results from SM Derma Fusion® 30-minute masklike applications.

“It was difficult to sit through court with inflamed and bleeding hemorrhoids, I have tried everything!
SM Derma Fusion brought almost immediate comfort and in my case the hemorrhoids not only stop to bleed but pulled back completely!” Lawyer (Free State)

The SM Derma Fusion® logo symbolizes the transport RNA (tRNA);

Because the formulation transports nutritional biomolecules through the outer layers of the skin!


SM Derma Fusion® serums do not contain scheduled ingredients, are 100% US CIR compliant, and are made in FDA-registered and inspected facilities under strict ISO and GMP standards. The serums do not contain animal proteins, and we do not test our technology on animals.

Contact Us 

SM Nutritionals (Pty) Ltd is the official supplier and distributor of SM Derma Fusion® technology in Southern Africa.

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